Online players usually show no enthusiasm when it comes to enabling two-factor authentication. The biggest challenge for online gaming platform developers who implement two-factor authentication is to make 2FA protection effective and user-friendly at the same time. The ability to choose from a variety of two-factor authentication methods appeals to gamers. Protectimus allows gamers to choose from several different ways to get one-time passcodes: two-factor authentication applications (Protectimus Smart OTP, Google AUthenticator, etc.); chatbots in Telegram, Viber, or Messenger; hardware TOTP tokens (Protectimus Two, Protectimus Flex, Protectimus Slim NFC). We recommend making all of these 2FA options available to players.
When setting up multi-factor authentication for an online gaming website, online casino, or sports betting site, it would be wise to set different authentication rules for different groups of users. For example, you can set stricter two-factor authentication settings for the website administrators and not so strict two-factor auth rules for the gamers on this iGaming website. In addition, different types of OTP tokens can be used for administrators and online players. For example, give your admins only programmable hardware tokens, but allow players to use any authentication methods of their choice.
Work on a plan to encourage gamers to enable 2-factor authentication to secure their accounts. Start with an information campaign. Explain to players how important it is to secure their accounts on an online gaming platform, online casino, or sports betting website with two-factor authentication. Or, even better, come up with a reward for activating two-factor authentication. For example, Fortnite players receive additional bonuses for activating 2FA on their accounts. When most users enable two-factor authentication, you may even make it mandatory.
Protectimus offers all the necessary tools to implement two-factor authentication into your online gaming platform without pain. It allows you to protect corporate infrastructure and end-user accounts at the same time. It gives you a choice of different methods for delivering one-time passwords and additional features for even stronger two-factor authentication for online gaming (IP filtering, filtering by the time the user logs in, geographic filters). The Protectimus two-factor authentication system is OATH (Initiative for Open Authentication) certified, verified by hundreds of tests, cybersecurity professionals, customers, and years of use. The reliability of Protectimus two-factor authentication has been proven in practice, while an artisanal 2FA solution can fail at the most unexpected moment.