How to Add Two-Factor Authentication to Outlook Web App (OWA)
If you read this article, you probably know the answer to the “what is OWA” question. But just in case — OWA Outlook is a browser email client to access Microsoft Outlook without any on-premises installations for Exchange 2013, Exchange 2010 users. For Microsoft Outlook update for Microsoft Exchange 2016 it was rebranded as “Outlook on the web”. OWA Outlook online provides access not only to email, but to other personal information...
OATH Initiative – the Main Goals, Tasks, Ins & Outs
Providing our services, we often highlight that Protectimus is a coordinate partner of the OATH Initiative and that all our tokens and two-factor authentication software are OATH-certified. Not everybody is aware, however, of what the Initiative for Open Authentication (OATH) is and what its major goals are. That’s why we decided to clarify all the details concerning the OATH definition – its tasks, algorithms, and overall...